Car Leasing News & Blog

OVL Group Values

OVL Group Values Integrity We consistently adhere to strong, moral ethical principles us... Read More

What are the advantages of leasing an EV from a ‘new’ manufacturer?

What are the advantages of leasing an EV from a ‘new’ manufacturer? Remember when Tesla was the ‘new kid on the block’? It was the Spring of 2014 when the Tesla was first availa... Read More

Earn £75 when you refer a friend*

Earn £75 when you refer a friend* We have established a referral program that rewards you £75 for every referral who becomes a customer of OVL-Little Green Car Leasing... Read More

2024 Electric Cars – What’s coming?

2024 Electric Cars – What’s coming? 2024 promises to be another big year for the introduction of more fully electric vehicles into the UK market. From well k... Read More

How do I care for my electric car in cold weather?

How do I care for my electric car in cold weather? Taking care of your electric car in winter is important to ensure optimal performance and efficiency. Here are some tips to help you look after you... Read More

Maintaining your Electric Vehicle (EV)

Maintaining your Electric Vehicle (EV) Maintaining an electric car (EV) is generally simpler and requires fewer maintenance tasks compared to traditional petrol... Read More

The Polestar - we liked it!

The Polestar - we liked it! We originally drove the Polestar 2 a few years back and were impressed.   The model year 2024 Polestar 2 gets a bigger ba... Read More

The ORA Funky Cat

The ORA Funky Cat The team enjoyed getting behind the wheel of the ORA Funky Cat EV this week.   A funky little car for sure!!  ... Read More

Planning on taking your lease vehicle abroad?

Planning on taking your lease vehicle abroad? It's holiday season but so far the UK summer weather has pretty much failed to deliver - anyone else been in a tent in torrential rain this year?... Read More

Order Before 31 March to avoid price rises

Order Before 31 March to avoid price rises Thanks to the excellent connections we have with manufacturers and dealers we are able to inform you that price rises are coming. So far we... Read More

Cold-Weather Tips for EV Drivers



Cold-Weather Tips for EV Drivers


As we race towards Autumn and Winter we thought it would be a good idea to share some tips on how to make the most of your electric vehicle as the temperatures dip. 

Like their petrol and diesel counterparts ‘fuel’ economy is affected by the cold. 

Studies have shown that driving range for electric vehicles decreases by 9% to 19% when temperatures are below freezing and cold weather also decreases electric vehicle charging speed. This is because of the low temperature of the battery. It’s also worth noting that it may take a little longer for your EV to charge in cold weather because when it’s cold outside, your thermal management system (within the battery) may limit your charging speeds to keep the battery safe.

Here are some tips to optimise your EV in the winter:


Keep your battery’s State of Charge (SoC) above 20% 


When it’s cold outside, your EV keeps a percentage of your battery’s power in reserve to warm itself up.  That percentage varies per vehicle, so it’s please do refer to your car’s manual, but a good rule is to try and keep your battery above 20%

Preheat your car

Many EV apps give you the option to control the cabin climate so that you can set the heater to turn on 10 minutes or so, before you unplug the vehicle and drive away. This ‘preheat’ may mean you can keep to a comfortable temperature using your seat heaters and steering wheel heater only – this uses far less electricity.

Check tyre pressures  

In cold weather tyres lose approximately 2% of their air pressure for every 10 degrees F drop in temperature – under inflated tyres will reduce the efficiency of your EV so regular checks are important

Slow down, especially on motorways

Slow down just a little across the board and your efficiency will increase. Driving faster uses more electricity, less efficiently.

Plan your routes

Important all year round and especially in the Winter know where chargers are located on your route 

Park in a garage

If you have access to a garage at home, use it! If not when you are out and about choose undercover parking where possible. Simply put, being undercover will keep your battery warmer!

Please don't worry about EVs not being suitable in cold weather - Norway has one of the largest numbers of EVs on the road and in winter the average temperature is -6.8 degress celcius!